速報APP / 生產應用 / Service Reports

Service Reports





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本


Service Reports(圖1)-速報App

If you are a field worker like a field service engineer or similar, with “service reports” you can keep your daily activities record in your phone.

Service Reports(圖2)-速報App

Working to a company or has a self-employee is important to keep records of your work.

Service Reports(圖3)-速報App

Record your daily activities, with hours, travel distance, travel time, work description, etc.

Service Reports(圖4)-速報App

Keep records of your clients.

Service Reports(圖5)-速報App

Record your expenses, meals, travel, hotel, fuel, etc.

Service Reports(圖6)-速報App

See on reports, activities and expenses by day, month or year, filter by dates, filter by clients…

Service Reports(圖7)-速報App

And much more…

Service Reports(圖8)-速報App